RapidFTR Deployment Guide

# Automated/Chef to a hosted/cloud server with Jenkins CI

This section describes how to setup a new hosted/cloud server using Jenkins CI as the deployment agent.

The assumption here is that the CI is already setup and accessible at https://ci.rapidftr.com


  • You need:
    • A target server where you want RapidFTR to be installed (this can be a fresh machine with nothing installed)
    • Domain name of the target server i.e. (dev.rapidftr.com) this is used to access the server browser.

Supported Systems

  • Ubuntu 14.04 64 bit tested and recommend
  • Or any system that can run Docker. Check this compatibility list

Preparing the target server

Before we can deploy RapidFTR to the target server, we need to prepare it for CI based deployment.

  • Create ssh keys and upload them to the server see (SSH setup)

Create a CI Job to handle deployment

Add global credentials

  1. Add global credential of SSH Username with private key kind
  2. Copy the private key created above and paste in the key field of the credentials form.

Create new CI job and configure parameters

  1. The short approach is to clone an existing job i.e DeployMasterToUAT
    1. Log into the CI with the credentials provided by the administrator
    2. Click on create New Item
    3. Enter the Item name and select copy existing item and enter the name of the Job/item you would like to clone (e.g DeployMasterToUAT*)
    4. Edit the cloned item and configure it to match you deployment needs.
      • In particular, select the "Execute shell" step and enter the shell commands to run.
        #!/bin/bash -le
        cd infrastructure
        bundle install
        echo '{"run_list":["role[production]"]}' > nodes/<ipaddress_or_domainname>.json
        bundle exec knife solo bootstrap root@<ipaddress_or_domainname> --no-host-key-verify --clean-up
  2. The longer approach is to create a new job from scratch
    1. Log into the ci with the credentials provided by the administrator and
    2. Click on create New Item
    3. Enter Item name i.e DeployToServer and select Build a free style software project
    4. Add configuration to the following sections;
      1. Discard old builds - select the log rotation strategy and specify the number of details for which to keep the old builds and the number of builds to keep.
      2. Restrict where this project is run - specify a label expression "devdeploy" this is to select the node/slave on which the build will take place.
      3. Source code management - select git and specify;
        • Repository url - git repository where the code is hosted.
        • credentials if there are any required for the repository
        • Branches to build specify the release branch
        • Leave the rest of the parameters as defaults.
      4. Build Environment - this helps configure the environment that the CI will setup in order to build the project.
        • Check the Run the build in a RVM-managed environment and specify the implementation to 2.1.2@rapidftr
        • Check the SSH Agent and specify the "SSH username and private key" credential that you created in the "Add global credential" step.
      5. Build - since this is a free style software project. we have to define custom steps for the build process so we;
        • select the "Execute shell" step and enter the shell commands to run.
          #!/bin/bash -le
          cd infrastructure
          bundle install
          echo '{"run_list":["role[production]"]}' > nodes/<ipaddress>.json
          bundle exec knife solo bootstrap root@<ipaddress/domainname> --no-host-key-verify --clean-up
      6. Post Build Action - here we only configure the Retry build after failure to re-run the build incase of a failure. This is necessary especially if something happened during the deployment e.g. a timeout during a deployment.
        • Specify the delay before retrying the build to a fixed value of 60 (seconds)
        • Specify the maximum number of successive failed builds to 2. - If the build fails twice, don't attempt a retry.
      7. when done with the configuration, click the "Apply" button to save the changes and click the "Build Now" button to start the build process.

SSL Certificates

You will now need to install the correct certificate and key for the new server, otherwise syncing can fail. Copy these from another production server into /data/production/ssl. They must be named certificate.crt and certificate.key