RapidFTR Deployment Guide

SSH Setup

For deploying to a server, you need:

  • To be able to login to the server over SSH
  • And do the same without a password for automatic depoyments

For password-less secure SSH - we need a public/private SSH key. If you have username/password - here is how to convert that into a public/private key combination:

# Generate the keys (if asked for passphrase, leave it empty)
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -f my_server

$ ls               # check if the keys are generated
my_server          # this is the private key
my_server.pub      # this is the public key

# Now that the keys are generated, copy them to the server using your username/password:
ssh-copy-id -i my_server <username>@<server.com>
password:          # enter your password when asked
(1) keys copied    # check this message

# Now check if you can login without a password:
ssh -i my_server <username>@<server.com>

# You should be logged in without asking for any password

The my_server private key file is now what you need to login to the server over SSH without any password. Use this wherever a private key is needed (e.g. the CI).


  • Make sure the private key has safe permissions (0600). Sometimes this is the reason for most SSH automatic login failures.