RapidFTR Deployment Guide

Production Failover Setup

This guide will cover how to setup two servers in a Redundant/Failover configuration.

Deploying the two servers

  • Setup two target servers by following instructions as specified in [[Server Deployment]]

Setting up failover

  • In the backup server, create the following script called "/usr/bin/couchdb_replicate.rb"

    #!/usr/bin/env ruby
    require 'rubygems'
    require 'optparse'
    require 'uri'
    require 'net/http'
    require 'json'
    source_couch_url = nil
    target_couch_url = nil
    databases = nil
    dry_run = false
    parser = OptionParser.new do |opts|
      opts.banner = "Usage: #{__FILE__} [options]"
      opts.separator ""
      opts.separator "Options:"
      opts.on("-s", "--source https://user:pass@host:port/",
              "Required. CouchDB Source URL from which data should be pulled.") do |s|
        source_couch_url = s
      opts.on("-t", "--target https://user:pass@host:port/",
              "Required. CouchDB Target URL where data will be pushed.") do |t|
        target_couch_url = t
      opts.on("-d", "--databases x,y,z",
              Array, "Required. Comma-separated list of database names to replicate.") do |list|
        databases = list
      opts.on("-n", "--dry-run", "Don't make requests, just print them") do |d|
        dry_run = true
      opts.on_tail("-h", "--help", "Show this message") do
        puts opts
    parser.parse! ARGV
    source_couch_uri = URI.parse source_couch_url
    target_couch_uri = URI.parse target_couch_url
    def post_uri(uri, post_params = {}, dry_run = false)
      if dry_run
        puts "Post: #{uri.to_s}"
        puts "Params: #{post_params.inspect}"
      http = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port)
      http.use_ssl = true if uri.scheme == "https"
      http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE if uri.scheme == "https"
      request = Net::HTTP::Post.new(uri.request_uri)
      request.basic_auth uri.user, uri.password if uri.user and uri.password
      request.body = JSON.unparse post_params
      request.content_type = "application/json"
      response = http.start { |req| req.request(request) }
      if response && response.code == "200"
        puts "SUCCESS: #{response.body}"
        puts "FAILURE: #{response.body}"
    puts "Replicating #{databases.join(', ')}"
    puts "From #{source_couch_uri.host} to #{target_couch_uri.host}"
    target_couch_uri.path = "/_replicate"
    databases.each do |database|
      puts "Replicating #{database}..."
      source_couch_uri.path = "/#{database}"
      post_uri target_couch_uri, {
        "source" => source_couch_uri.to_s,
        "target" => database
      }, dry_run
  • You can run the backup once as follows:
    /usr/bin/couchdb_replicate.rb \
      -s "https://username:password@source-couchdb:6984" \
      -t "https://username:password@target-couchdb:6984" \
      -d rapidftr_child_production,rapidftr_form_section_production,rapidftr_user_production,rapidftr_device_production,rapidftr_sessions_production,rapidftr_password_recovery_request_production,rapidftr_contact_information_production,rapidftr_suggested_field_production,rapidftr_role_production,rapidftr_mobile_db_key_production
    • For example, if you're backing up prod1.rapidftr.com to prod2.rapidftr.com,
    • -s is the source URL - e.g. https://prod1-couchdb-username:prod1-couchdb-password@prod1.rapidftr.com:6984
    • -t is the target URL - e.g. https://prod2-couchdb-username:prod2-couchdb-password@prod2.rapidftr.com:6984
  • To run this automatically, we have configure a Cron job. Run:
    sudo crontab -e
  • And in the resulting cron configuration, paste the following:
    */5 * * * * /usr/bin/couchdb_replicate.rb -s source-url -t target-url -d rapidftr_child_production,rapidftr_form_section_production,rapidftr_user_production,rapidftr_device_production,rapidftr_sessions_production,rapidftr_password_recovery_request_production,rapidftr_contact_information_production,rapidftr_suggested_field_production,rapidftr_role_production,rapidftr_mobile_db_key_production
  • This will run the replication script for the specified databases every 5 minutes
  • So even if one of the servers goes down, the second can be used straight away